Can you imagine being a grown woman in the age of peak wokeness and body positivity and still fear being transparent with your trusted squad, or even your doctor, about what is going on with your body? This very thing is happening to women all over. Always Discreet reached out to me and asked if I would consider writing about a sensitive health issue few women talk about: urinary incontinence and bladder leaks.

I'm not one to shy away from the difficult topics, especially those impacting women (of color). The hard conversations we avoid because of the embarrassment or stigma associated with it. The fact that many women are so embarrassed they are hesitant to speak up about symptoms, even at the doctor's office, is reason enough to talk openly and candidly about this topic. This level of shame, especially where our bodies are concerned, is just unacceptable.

More Common Than You Think

The first time I ever had an open discussion about bladder leaks was during a breastfeeding support group I was a part of after having my first daughter. One of the young women in the group found that she would accidentally pee a little anytime she would sneeze, laugh, or try to become more active since giving birth. Her midwife informed her that this sometimes happens to women because childbirth is known to weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Another mom chimed in that she had the small occasional accident when she was pregnant because of all the pressure on her bladder.

You have to understand that we were a group of women so comfortable with each other that we whipped our boobs out in front of each other and while swapping our new #momlife wins and fails. We felt safe with each other, we left judgement, and as a result shame, outside of that room. So, someone wouldn't hesitate to admit they would pee a little when they coughed and I did not find it the least bit off-putting.

More than 13 million Americans experience incontinence, with women twice as likely to have it as men. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, somewhere between 25% to 45% of women experience urinary incontinence. Women in every age group may face this issue from teens to those in their golden years and can be a result of any number of things from sports injuries to diabetes. This is not an uncommon medical condition with treatment options and plenty of products available, like Always Discreet, that help you continue to live your best life while pursuing your treatment options.

Maintaining Your Quality of Life

Bladder leaks can impact your self-confidence and body image. Many people live in fear of their next accident, so many are putting up with this common condition in shame, held hostage in their daily lives. If this is you or someone you love, you don't have to. Take these steps to bring yourself closer to freedom:
  1. As your first line of defense: buy a great absorbent pad like Always Discreet, which, unlike period pads, is specially designed for bladder leaks; new moms (like those from my breastfeeding support group) may find a product like Always Discreet Very Light Liners, with their thin and flexible design to be the perfect fit
  2. Make a few lifestyle changes like avoiding caffeine, which is a diuretic that can trigger more leaks
  3. Educate yourself about the common types of urinary incontinence
  4. Try to determine your type & read up on it
  5. Engage a professional for formal diagnosis and to determine the best treatment for you to get your confidence and life back

Bladder leaks isn’t something to be ashamed of, millions of people face this issue and you (or your loved one) are not alone. Don’t stay in the dark and don’t be afraid to explore the great products and other resources out there that can help.

By the way, you can try Always Discreet for yourself with these great coupon offers, and don’t be embarrassed, come back and let me know how your journey is going!

This post was sponsored by Always Discreet but all opinion are my own.