"During the honeymoon phase, intimacy was the rule and not the exception. I wanted to hold my love's hand. I wanted to lean in close to him while watching tv or reading a book or surfing the internets. I wanted to snuggle into him while dozing off. But life happened: bills, kids, career, election 2016, and it chipped away at my capacity for intimacy and many forms of physical affection. It stopped being something fun, something relaxing and this exciting and beautiful part of our love; for no other reason than it was something I stopped being intentional about."
The point of Sex Your Husband September is removing the barriers of intimacy in your marriage. So barring illness or emergency, we are going to be intimate daily. That means
- hand holding
- french kissing
- butt grabbing
- couch cuddling
- couples showering
Here's the Plan
- Not mentioning Sex Husband September and seeing if he mentions anything (less pressure and more fun)
- Increasing PDA (public displays of affection)
- Say yes (All ya gotta do is SAY YES)
- Initiate interaction
- Quickies when time is short or I'm exhausted or annoyed or wanting to read in bed
- Journaling, just to see if this "exercise" activates any thoughts, emotions or creative juices
- Daily intimacy
I'm participating, there are so many great things in my marriage and something I definitely need to be intentional about is intimacy in all of its wondrous forms.
See full article for details and let me know what you think, considering in participating in Sex Your Husband September, let me know in the comments below.
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